The Remsgri

The Remsgri

The Remsgri are one of the four elven Kindoms of Faeran, living almost exclusively in the vast and towering rainforest of Riverseep. The Remsgri have bronze skin and dark hair, often woven into tight braids and bound in a tail by both men and women. The damp and warm climate of the forest prevent the Remsgri from wearing clothing as elaborate or thick as their kin in other realms. They favor paneled skirts that fall to the knees, with fabrics…
The Fieri

The Fieri

One of the four elven Kindoms, the Fieri inhabit the south-central to south-west regions of Faeran known as the Grasslands. Their territory lies between the Remsgri forests to the west, the Turi mountains of Ard Gael to the east, and Lake Orhirion to the north, which separates the Grasslands from the Morcani-inhabited Lay Hills. Fertile soil, a mild climate, and relatively flat terrain enable the Fieri to live prosperously in most parts of the Grasslands, though few make their home…
The Morcani

The Morcani

Morcanan Morcanan is the Great City of the Morcani lands. It is a city of stone, sharp lines, and moving parts. The city sits at the base of the Terulian Mountains, near the northwest edge of The Wildwood and at the mouth of the Fuara River. It is encircled by a thick wall, and extends into the mountains, with heated cavernous halls and apartments within. Morcanan has short, warm summers and long, cold winters with ample snow-fall. The city was…


Geography Albarad is a large kingdom in Tala occupying all land west of the Falspire Mountains. The geography of the region is dry and rocky, with scrub land, hills, and low mountains along the eastern border. Water is scarce in Albarad, concentrated almost exclusively along the few rivers that run through the land. The region experiences hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters. Despite the harsh climate found among the scrub land in Albarad, the Albaren people are productive agriculturalists,…
Lore & Religion

Lore & Religion

Elven Lore (as the elves believe it) Riu is the all-powerful god of the elves who created the universe and all within it. From the beginning of his creation, Riu made a host of elemental spirits—helpers and companions to carry out his orders for creation and act as his messengers to the world. Riu molded, shaped, and formed the planet Riure using these spirits. The terra spirits shaped the mountains and valleys, cycled the elements of the world, and brought…


Vierstone, also known as Lifestone, is a complex and magical element that forms the foundation of the elven race. The elven prophets say that vierstone was the substance from which their god, Riu, created the elves. Few among the elves dispute this claim, as the four vierstone deposits of Faeran were also the original locations of the first elven settlements, and all elves by nature have eyes the color of the stone. Vierstone is an element unto itself (it is…
History of the elves: Pre-war

History of the elves: Pre-war

The elves believe the first of their kind originated around 3,500 years pre-vierstone (p.v.). Elven settlements grew from four known locations across Faeran, all of which eventually became the Great Cities of the four Kindoms of elves: Morcanan, Remsgraen, Telem Fier, and Tura. Each city was founded on a substantial vierstone deposit, from which the elves believe Riu made them. In the first millennia of life in Faeran, the elves led a simple existence, building small settlements near their origins…
Elven Arts & Recreation

Elven Arts & Recreation

Free time is taken seriously by the elves, as living hundreds of years tends to yield a lot of it. Music, literature, art, sports, games, performance, and crafting skills used for less practical endeavors abound in all four Kindoms (though some certainly encourage pursuit of the arts more than others). Performance and competition are important aspects of elven culture, both as a daily form of entertainment and to bring communities and Kindoms together in times of celebration or difficulty. Music…


History Daro is an elven city built on the northern sea cliffs of Tala. Originally, Tala was only inhabited by humans, but the elves discovered its northern coast during the vierstone expeditions of the 2600s. Following the Great War, vierstone was greatly depleted. Nearly a quarter of the continent's vierstone was destroyed in the volcanic eruption that began the war, and after the war's end, the elves used vast quantities of vierstone to rebuild their cities and construct the magnetic…
Pants or No Pants: Outlining and Writing

Pants or No Pants: Outlining and Writing

If you are familiar with the jargon of the writing world, you already know what this post is about. If you are not familiar with said jargon, you are probably questioning my sanity. A valid response. Essentially, there are two extremes to the types of writers out there: Outliners: also known as architects, these are those structured and organized-thinking individuals who outline their whole story before starting any writing. These people know everything that is going to happen in the…