4 Things that make writing time more productive

4 Things that make writing time more productive

Just about any writing advice you ever see will include the call to set aside dedicated and non-negotiable writing time every day, or at least most days a week. ‘Great!’ you think, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. ‘I moved my schedule to include one hour before work every day.’ Then the appointed hour comes. You sit down at your laptop, and you see the blank page. Then the panic begins. ‘I have to sit here a whole hour? I only have an hour!?’ Setting aside time…
6 Reasons to write (and read) fantasy

6 Reasons to write (and read) fantasy

Fantasy – the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable. This is the dictionary definition of a word that encompasses one of the greatest of book genres. But why is it so great? Why should we read fantasy, let alone set out to write more of it? “It’s not real,” “it’s escapist,” “it pulls you away from the important things in life,” “it’s for kids,” “it’s nerdy” – well, I won’t argue with the…