Book Review: Elantris

Most fantasy stories consist of strings of lengthy books, taking thousands of pages to build worlds, develop characters, and set up larger than life plots and themes. Normally, this is what I love about fantasy, but lately I have been wondering what it would be like to read a stand-alone high fantasy – a single, average-length book with a full plot arc and satisfying conclusion. Enter Elantris. As the first stand-alone fantasy novel I have ever read, Elantris quite frankly blew me away…

Book Review: Foundryside

It is surprisingly difficult to find a fantasy heist novel. While specifically looking for good books in this subgenre, the first I came across was Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennet. The jacket blurb was intriguing, and the rating good, so I gave it a shot. I can say it was not at all what I expected, but surprises in fantasy are always welcome! Foundryside offered a high level of intellectual entertainment, while maintaining a unique tone and diverse set of characters. Foundryside was published in…