6 Ways to make characters more interesting

6 Ways to make characters more interesting

Characters are the most important part of a story. You can have a great plot with great world building, but if your characters are flat, unlikeable, and un-dynamic, your story will not be meaningful or enjoyable. In fact, a story with truly amazing characters could have the same tired plot as hundreds of other books set in a barely conceived world, and it could still be an incredible story. It's easy to talk about unique plots, fascinating settings, and the…
6 Ways to keep the middle of your book interesting

6 Ways to keep the middle of your book interesting

The middle. It gets such a bad rap, sandwiched there between the beginning and the end. The middle chapters of a book, the middle installment of a trilogy, middle school… the middle is just hard, and sometimes it deserves its reputation for a sub-par experience. The beginning of a story introduces characters, builds a world, and sets up the plot. The author takes their toy blocks and starts to build things while having all the fun that goes with novelty…
6 Things you should do before starting your first novel

6 Things you should do before starting your first novel

Starting your first novel is a huge undertaking, and can be discouraging from many points of view. First of all is the incredible concept of writing three hundred or more pages – not a typical school essay, that. Then there are all of those naysayers out there saying how difficult it is to get a first novel published, and how all writers know the first novel is simply a test and meant to be thrown out. Do not be discouraged! While your…